

  • Verified users can request to withdraw their yield tokens at anytime

  • Withdrawals are batched and processed at regular intervals by the Asset Manager running the token

  • The price at which a withdrawal gets processed is the exchange rate when withdrawals are processed

  • Token hodlers continue to earn yield until the withdrawal is processed (and funds made available to claim)

  • Once a user submits a withdrawal request, s/he receives an NFT corresponding to the withdrawal request in return. This can later be exchanged for funds after the withdrawals have been processed via a 'claim' step.

User Steps:

  1. Connect your wallet and select a whitelisted address

  2. Enter an amount to withdraw and select 'Withdraw'

  3. Transaction 1: Approve the Nectar contract to interact with the yield token asset

  4. Transaction 2: Confirm the transfer of funds from your address to the Nectar contract

  5. Once completed, an NFT corresponding to your withdrawal request will appear in your wallet (and the Nectar Yield tokens sent to the NFT contract)

Last updated